Increase the Number of Records Shown on the List View In Charming CRM  – VTiger  Experts

Views: 1397See more Records in the List View of Charming CRM Here is some advice in how to use Charming CRM, which is a powerful opensource CRM package that uses a LAMP server. It is based a fork of Vtiger 7 with several of the bugs fixed. You can install it at AWS Marketplace In …

#Docker Service Create How to use the mount option to use a directory on the host

Views: 7527Mongo DB likes XFS, so the project is to get MOngodb in a docker container to be happy with an XFS volume on the host. Using the mount type bind instead of volume does the trick. docker service create \ –mount type=bind,src=<HOST-PATH>,dst=<CONTAINER-PATH> \ –name myservice \ <IMAGE> Give a service access to volumes or …

 Setup  standalone #Docker swarms   on Localhost

Views: 13304I am setting up on Localhost, in order to save cloud fees and maybe some time during development.    Multi-host networking with standalone swarms Estimated reading time: 11 minutes Standalone swarm only! This article only applies to users who need to use a standalone swarm with Docker, as opposed to swarm mode. Standalone swarms (sometimes …

 How to run scripts on #Linux start up? crontab @reboot  #devops

Views: 1230Nothing like a good Geeky command after the Yom Kippur 25 hour fast! Ubuntu loves to run apt-daily.service on Startup, which messes with devops pre-installations. In My case I want to run docker-machine.   Turn off auto updates edit file 20-auto-upgrades in /usr/share/unattended-upgrades Turn the service back on after 20 minutes   or /etc/apt/apt.conf.d …

Stop Ubuntu from running Auto Upgrades at boot – #DEVOPS

Views: 4530Devops need to automatically install stuff on Ubuntu, however this clashed with the daily ubuntu auto update. The best way to stop autoupgrades is to prevent Ubuntu from download the updated package list Edit /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20periodic or whatever number it is Change the 1 for Update-Package-Lists to a 0 APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists “0”; APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade “1”; See: …

Tech travelers Be sure to tip Skycaps,  They work harder than tech workers and Start-up folks

Views: 1293Skycaps Don’t Work for the Airlines They Work for You! Many travelers and even airline employees are not aware that skycaps, the people who check in your luggage curbside and carry your bags inside the terminal, and to and from the curb, are not airline employees.  These uniformed workers don’t get any benefits such …

Should You Use #Linux / #OpenSource or #Windows #Cloud Hosting? 

Views: 1627The Debate over OpenSource is back! I just read these 2 very interesting articles about whether you should use Windows as your cloud Server, even though it’s less popular? and whether cloud pricing methodologies are making Open Source cost the same as Proprietary?   We deal with this question every day. Being cheap and …

Vtiger not syncing with Google Contacts – 

Views: 2541Get Google contacts to sync with your Vtiger Install OpenSource Charming CRM. Everything will work much more smoothly than with Vtiger: Here is a bit of directions to get Google contacts to sync with your Vtiger. You need to create an API for Contacts and/or Calendar and give it your URL. After all …