How to install and integrate SpamAssassin with Postfix on a CentOS 6 VPS – Blog

Views: 2673Microsoft Oulook’s spam filter is broken for a while now. I got sick of wasting time deleteing spam. So I installed SpamAssassin. the last time I used this it was OK. But needed to be taught not trash transliterated Hebrew words like “Mezuzot” since my other Business is producing such Judaica tutorial we are …

Charming #CRM based on Vtiger 7 – With Bug fixes for WebForms, Opportunities, PDF export.

Views: 2999Vtiger is the most popular open source CRM. The project owners also have a for pay service, but are still very committed to the open source community edition. Here are fixes for popular issues found in the Open Source edition. WebForms dont save and then give 500 error Opportunities Mbstring error PDF exports instructions …

vTiger 7 Webforms broken – fields, form, 500 error in – Here’s the fix for  CRM

Views: 4978Vtiger WebForms don’t work, so here is a quick and needed fix. Vtiger version 5, 6 and 7 have issue creating webforms to capture leads from their website. They have added the ability to have the form work with other modules than just leads, but it still didn’t work. Install OpenSource Charming CRM. Everything …

Bootstrapping a Docker Swarm Mode Cluster – Semaphore

Views: 2458 Adding Cluster Nodes At this point, we have a cluster with a single manager node – a cluster, albeit meagre in substance. Before we augment the cluster with additional nodes, we need to attend to an AWS configuration detail. Docker Machine will have created an AWS security group (in the absence of our specifying the …

hmail server – DKIM hmailserver and NameCheap Setup – Stack Overflow

Views: 3137   For our popular PHPlist server that uses Hmailserver on   sometimes you  cannot use SES, But the users still want their messages delivered. so here is some info. I hope that it is helpful. I’ve been trying to setup my hmailserver with DKIM. I was following this guide -> And I created my …

docker-machine with aws driver – Amazon Web Services from Docker  Documentation

Views: 3091Docker-machine for AWS call the ami that you want as the base and much more   Source: Amazon Web Services | Docker Documentation docker-machine create –driver amazonec2 –amazonec2-access-key AKI******* –amazonec2-secret-key 8T93C******* aws01 Environment variables You can use environment variables: $ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=AKID1234567890 $ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=MY-SECRET-KEY $ docker-machine create –driver amazonec2 aws01 Options –amazonec2-access-key: Your …

Kubernetes: Running MongoDB on Kubernetes with StatefulSets

Views: 24818Running MongoDB replica set with one click is the goal. Perhaps this will help. At Google, everything runs in a container, including databases. You just need the right tools. Kubernetes 1.5 includes the new StatefulSet API object (in previous versions, StatefulSet was known as PetSet). With StatefulSets, Kubernetes makes it much easier to run …

Deploy a Highly-Available MongoDB Replica Set on AWS

Views: 2582This article about building MongoDB replica sets buy Elad Nava is really good!   However, running a scalable, highly-available MongoDB cluster is a whole ‘nother story. You need a good understanding of how replica sets work and be familiar with the inner workings of MongoDB. And you need to set up tooling to constantly …

Green Smoothies and Sweet Potato Chips from BensFarm

Views: 193שבוע טוב, English Below   נא להזמין מוקדם, עד 14:00 ביום ראשון, בכדי לודא שתקבלו את המוצרים מרשימת האדמה, במיוחד הלחם. בחלק העליון של העמוד תמצאו את מה שאני מגדל; החלק התחתון הוא ממגדלים אחרים בארץ (ותפוחים) תודה ותהיו בראים בן רוזנברג A happy customer – לקוח שמח   Shavoua Tov, Here’s a …

repository – How to generate a Dockerfile from an image? – Stack Overflow

Views: 2289 To understand how a docker image was built, use the docker history command. You can build a docker file from an image, but it will not contain everything you would want to fully understand how the image was generated. Reasonably what you can extract is the MAINTAINER, ENV, EXPOSE, VOLUME, WORKDIR, ENTRYPOINT, CMD, …