Views: 2655I was recently on the job search Market in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem seeking a job as a Senior Devops. I found a great job At Coro Cybersecurity Another company whose name I do not remember. I do remember that it was high floor and had a great play room for kids! They gave …
Raspberry Pi Kubernetes Cluster with Cilium CNI
Raspberry Pi Kubernetes installation with Cilum CNI Network Plugin.
A poem after getting frustrated by machine learning
Views: 3714A Poem about an AI from a distant place that gets confused. Of course the image is from Dall-e 2 After almost 3 years at I am finally trying to learn how to use pytorch. I am using noise sound files to create a model, then retesting the original files on the against …
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ChatGPT defends google’s deteriorating search results for tech searches
Views: 1665 I had a discussion with ChatGpt where it denied that Google Search results for tech searches are constantly deteriorating Write for me instructions to install the following commands on Amazon Linux 2 for both AMD64 and ARM64 write them with Google SEO in mind so that search engine will put these at the …
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Postmodern ChatGPT about yum vs apt linux package managers
Views: 3973Introduction to the Dicussion about apt and yum I had the following chat after spending time getting a Rocky Linux to act as a Bind DNS Slave to a ubuntu 18 master. I did not discuss the hienous use of Master and Slave, instead I concentrated only on the differences between apt and yum …
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Going back to Chrome from Explorer
Views: 3656Microsoft Edge is WAY to spammy and confusing to replace cleaner Chrome I have decided to open Chrome on Windows 11 instead of Edge. I was psyched to use edge, but opening a new tab is way to confusing. When you open a new tab in Edge it opens CRAP news page with spammy …
googleads utterly removed
Views: 3072googleads utterly removed I have utterly removed Google ads from my site now, GoogleAds havent given me even a penny since 2014. Not even worth the energy to paste their useless code! from my site now. Read and get smarter. I simply turned off the WordPress plugin that was showing them.
Permanently allow running unsigned Powershell scripts
Views: 3804Make Powershell scripts run from a Powershell Window It is no wonder that powershell never caught on like bash, python or even Perl. You can’t share and easily run them as Microsoft defaults the setting to only allow you to run signed script. Signing Powershell scripts is a major waste of time and energy. …
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How to direct download ubuntu 20.04 via curl, also Alpine
Views: 7515Here is the secret method to simply Download Ubuntu 20.04 Server Very often you want to download a new os to install VMs on a server or the like. Usually they just give a link on their website to download the file, which you then need to upload to your server. So here is …
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How to assign image name to images created by docker-compose
Views: 5437I was giving up trying to figure out how to assign an image name to images created by docker-compose. BY default the image names are a bit annoying and not good for pushing to a docker registry. Apparently all you need to do is to use the image tag. When you download an image …
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Vengeful Centos 8 Has Been Cancelled – boot partition full, zfs removed itself, kvm changed the rules, firewall dead
Views: 4377Centos Project Cancelled As Well As Kubernetes Project is Removing Docker Support Recent news has informed that Devops and System administrators will be working extra for the next few months. In the build up to becoming defunct Centos is becoming as unstable as leading edge beta distros Our server was becoming a bit sluggish …
How to install git-lfs and epel on Amazon Linux 2
Views: 10830Amazon Linux 2 with Git-lfs Amazon Linux offers some pre-installed extras, Like on the fly volume extension. Amazon Linux is great if you don’t have a really complicated stack. Sometimes the minimalism is too much. But installing some non-standard stuff is possible. For instance our simple project needs to work with large files stored …
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Server instance stuck on build and virsh list shows VM as paused OpenStack with Dpdk
Views: 4636On the Red Hat Openstack 13 compute using DPDK creating Server instances gets stuck. when running: openstack server list or show says that “building” When logging into the compute running virsh list shows the same VM is stuck in paused. The solution is to add the following to your roles_data.yaml 1. Define ‘VhostuserSocketGroup’ under …