vTiger 7 Webforms broken – fields, form, 500 error in – Here’s the fix for  CRM

Views: 4984

Vtiger WebForms don’t work, so here is a quick and needed fix.

Vtiger version 5, 6 and 7 have issue creating webforms to capture leads from their website. They have added the ability to have the form work with other modules than just leads, but it still didn’t work.

Install OpenSource Charming CRM. Everything will work much more smoothly than with Vtiger: 


We have installed Vtiger 7 along with fixes for several bugs, on an Amazon EC2This installation is the  only one that actually fixes the WebForms.  In order to get the Webforms to work simply reboot the server after running the Vtiger 7 installation scripts , as explained in the Access Instructions

Vtiger Fear
Vtiger Fear

Clients of mine have complained, so here is the fix.

Before pasting in the advice login to mysql

  • mysql -uroot -p
  • enter  your MySql Passowrd, For Charming CRM based on  Vtiger 7 the Instance-ID is the password
  • then
  • use charming;
  • If you are upgrading your own then use <YOURVTIGERDB> instead of charming
  • then paste this MySql command

CREATE TABLE `vtiger_webforms_field` ( `id` int(19) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `webformid` int(19) NOT NULL, `fieldname` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `neutralizedfield` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `defaultvalue` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, `required` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’, `captcha` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’, `roundrobin` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’, `roundrobin_userid` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL, `roundrobin_logic` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `webforms_webforms_field_idx` (`id`), KEY `fk_1_vtiger_webforms_field` (`webformid`), KEY `fk_2_vtiger_webforms_field` (`fieldname`), CONSTRAINT `fk_1_vtiger_webforms_field` FOREIGN KEY (`webformid`) REFERENCES `vtiger_webforms` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT `fk_3_vtiger_webforms_field` FOREIGN KEY (`fieldname`) REFERENCES `vtiger_field` (`fieldname`) ON DELETE CASCADE );

  • Then paste this

ALTER TABLE `vtiger_webforms_field` ADD `sequence` INT NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `required` , ADD `hidden` INT NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `sequence`;

Now your forms should save the fields and posting the code to a web page will work.


Source: Webforms broken in vTiger v6 – Vtiger-Discussions

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