mongo/Dockerfile for Windows Container at master · docker-library/mongo

Visits: 1201 FROM microsoft/windowsservercore SHELL [“powershell”, “-Command”, “$ErrorActionPreference = ‘Stop’;”] ENV MONGO_VERSION 3.4.4 ENV MONGO_DOWNLOAD_URL${MONGO_VERSION}-signed.msi ENV MONGO_DOWNLOAD_SHA256 73d1121a1fe58fe29c4fb7b6f4b79a4d33afa666f357960419ef83635396f977 RUN Write-Host (‘Downloading {0} …’ -f $env:MONGO_DOWNLOAD_URL); \ (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($env:MONGO_DOWNLOAD_URL, ‘mongo.msi’); \ \ Write-Host (‘Verifying sha256 ({0}) …’ -f $env:MONGO_DOWNLOAD_SHA256); \ if ((Get-FileHash mongo.msi -Algorithm sha256).Hash -ne $env:MONGO_DOWNLOAD_SHA256) { \ Write-Host ‘FAILED!’; \ exit 1; \ …

Topic: Custom page template with sidebar « Forums

Visits: 1088Add page template with column in Zerif Lite &nbsp; <div class=”clear”></div> <!– / END HOME SECTION –> <div id=”content” class=”site-content”> <div class=”container”> <div class=”content-left-wrap col-md-9″> <div id=”primary” class=”content-area”><!–?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); get_template_part( ‘content’, ‘page’ ); // If comments are open or we have at least one comment, load up the comment …

Be Careful using TOR #IpSec – Secure Digital Life – @YouTube @securityweekly

Visits: 982This is a great summary of how the Dark Web TOR browser works. I added the comment. The TOR volunteer nodes are tracked by ISPs and known by IPSec companies, whoever connects to them is known as a TOR user, ISPs can and do sell this data to whomever requests it like Gov agencies …

MongoDB Community Edition on Centos and Redhat and Amazon Linux

Visits: 1583The Mongodb Community Edition is a great NoSQL solution. Below you can find directions and links to install it from a repository as well as from a Preinstalled Ec2 Server Configure the package management system (yum). Create a /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-3.4.repo file so that you can install MongoDB directly, using yum. Changed in version 3.0: …

amazon web services – Mongodb cluster with aws cloud formation and auto scaling – Stack Overflow

Visits: 2667Stay Tuned! This is a very good question and I went through this very painful journey myself recently. I am writing a fairly extensive answer here in the hope that some of these thoughts of running a MongoDB cluster via CloudFormation are useful to others.I’m assuming that you’re creating a MongoDB production cluster as …

Install php into Docker container needs powershell only without popup window – Installing Visual C++ Redistributable Package from Command Line

Visits: 2272.\vc_redist.x64.exe /install /passive /norestart Source: Installing Visual C++ Redistributable Package from Command Line     Manual PHP Installation on Windows ¶ Choose Web Server IIS is builtin to Windows. On Windows Server, use Server Manager to add the IIS role. Be sure to include the CGI Role Feature. On Windows Desktop, use Control Panel’s …

Import and export databases using phpMyAdmin – TechRepublic

Visits: 1066phpMyAdmin offers one of the easiest ways to import and export databases on a MySQL environment. Follow along with Jack Wallen’s phpMyAdmin tutorial. Source: Import and export databases using phpMyAdmin – TechRepublic Exporting databases The first step in this process is to export the working database from the source server. Log in to the …

Linux vs #Windows Cloud Hosting? Believe it or not Windows is over 30% of servers

Visits: 1033Hey Guys, It is much easier for “regular guys” to use a Windows Server  who have been using windows since 1995. Guess What, There are lots of Pre-installed OpenSource options too. Check Out! AWS-Marketplace According to the stats in the link below Windows still a powerhouse for Cloud Servers. You can find System Administrators ANYWHERE in …

Recommended Network ACL Rules for Your #VPC – @Amazon Virtual Private Cloud – Be sure to use correct Region

Use NACL on AWS VPC as a firewall

Visits: 696Easy way to block simple attacks from a single IP address or a a few on the same network. Until I automate the a block script, I did this manually, but first I was connected to the wrong region. There are really intelligent hacks, then there are medium intelegence hacks, and there are just …

Open Source Email Marketing with phpList

Visits: 581I have used Phpllist for many years. It rocks a lot. I offer personalized services and soon will be adding a phplist server to It’s Open Source Week at SitePoint! All week we’re publishing articles focused on everything Open Source, Free Software and Community, so keep checking the OSW tag for the latest …

How to set pop3 and smtp server port addresses for win 10 mail app – TLS? AWS SES

Visits: 2685I setup Windows 10 mail to use Amazon AWS SES to send emails from packaged Windows 10 Mail and Calander program. I removed the check mark telling it to use SSL,   Setting the port to 587 informs Windows to use TLS works   Additionally, I only got it to work with imap …