Customer-Centered Aggressive Salesperson

Customer-Centered Aggressive Salesperson needed

Views: 1332Customer-Centered Aggressive Salesperson needed Client Centered Website Business I am running a Startup Website building business. We have no competition! This is because we are the only website building business that is client centered! No one else takes pride in customer support like we do! I need a Customer-Centered Aggressive salesman. I am, presently, …

Salesperson Needed – commision only

Views: 509SalesPerson Needed I need a Salesperson to sell websites that I build – Consultant – not employee, Build the company with me! CALL in Israel tel:0544572366 OR NY tel:516-595-1713 Job Description: I need a salesperson who can contact small and medium sized businesses who want and need an Internet Presence. I need someone …

Use ScrollToFixed: stick elements on your page

Views: 2615Stick Element where and how you like using ScrollToFixed For Mobile devices and small screens you need to make your site both nice and flexible! Use Jquery ScrollToFixed to easily stick whatever you want wherever you want. Once upon a time I had a huge CRT color screen that could show  any resolution that I chose. However, …