Amazon APN Registered Consulting Partner

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APN Registered Consulting Partner AWS.

I am now an  APN Registered Consulting Partner AWS.

Become My Client

I am sure that if you are not presently my client that you can get the most charming web design at the most charming price with the most charming support. This will now ride on top  of AWS – Amazon Web Service with   ninety nine point eleven nines up time and data protection.

Move your app with me to AWS. As a developer you need a System Admin AWS Sysop with over twenty years of experience to hook you up. You don’t need to break your head over making it run fast for cheap. Give me a ring right away,  516-595-1713 or in Israel 0544572366.

Not only that but I can also put you on with the thousand UPC that I have available for my clients who wish to sell, sell, sell!

APN Registered Consulting Partner AWS
APN Registered Consulting Partner AWS

Therefore, I am happy to announce to you guys that my services now extend way into Amazon Web Services. I am thoroughly enjoying myself. This is an opportunity for me, and you guys as my clients. I have not seen such great opportunity since before 2002.

Before the holiday I attended an AWSome day run by Amazon. since then I have further connected with there services, such as S3 – Amazons Scalable Storage in the Cloud , ec2 – Elastic servers in the cloud , ses – Simple Eemail Service including  SMTP mail sending (even mailchimp uses them) APN  – Amazon Professional Network and more.

 I am now an APN Registered Consulting Partner

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