Is it easy to get in touch with you?

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Is it easy to get in touch with you ? can help

Many of my clients have Social networking and various other pages all around the net. Yet they do not leave a phone number, email address or working contact form for the searcher  to get in touch with you.  Some of these usually show up at the top of Google searches. This tells potential clients that you are hard to get hold of. If you are hard to get hold of before a sale, potential clients will imagine how impossible this will be if there are any post sale issues.

I advise all of my clients, even the introverts,  to be easy to get hold of.

 Case Study

Micha Schickler Apartment Rental in Jerusalem
Micha Schickler Apartment Rental in Jerusalem

I made it easier for customers to contact Micha Schickler who rents apartments to tourists in the Arnona neighborhood of Jerusalem. Call Micha when you need to rent an apartment in Jerusalem, He is my client and friend. Micha Schickler   +972.(0)54.814.81.43

You likely have a business that is both online and offline. You know that real contact with your clients by phone and in person is still the best way to come to the best agreement. An agreement that will lead both parties to profit and prosperity. Does your online strategy make it easy and inviting for people to contact you? Many people hide behind uninviting contact forms and do not have a single telephone number at their websites, or social marketing pages. I won’t even discuss those nightmare phone systems that make it impossible to talk to a human. - Call Steve 516-595-1713 - Israel 0544572366 – Call Steve 516-595-1713 – Israel 0544572366

To see if you are hard to get in touch with, I would like you to search for your name and/or business name in Google. It is likely that pages that you have set up appear in the top results. Click on the top three links and think to yourself whether the page that appears makes it easy to contact you. Your Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or Google+ page might appear  before your website in search engines. The searcher is your potential client, who is a lead that you do not even know his identity and definitely cannot follow up. Every extra step required for them to be in touch with you  reduces the chances of them calling.

Micha Schickler Apartment Rental in Jerusalem
Micha Schickler Apartment Rental in Jerusalem

imposibleMicha’s case is very typical of today’s small businesses. His web site did not come up in a search for himself, though it does appear for other important search phrases. His linkedin page came up first. Micha is in the business of renting apartments, not a mega-blogger who needs you to open his site. The Linkedin profile was not useful in encouraging people searching for him to contact him. I made the simplest change to his profile which many people do. I put his phone in his title which now appears in his public profile. From the top results  a call is now just a click away for Micha renting apartments in Jerusalem.

Different methods need to be used for each Social Marketing site. You need a banner graphic with your number on it in Facebook while twitter and Google+ are as easy as Linkedin.

I am now offering this as a service, since after you have been found on the net, you need to be contacted and to close the deal. Drop me a message or call me to get started.

Just for reading this message, you can have a %20 discount.

Call Steve Bar Yakov Gindi 516-595-1713 - Israel 0544572366  -
Call Steve Bar Yakov Gindi 516-595-1713 – Israel 0544572366 –

This service includes:

  • An analysis of how easy it is to contact you
  • Edit your existing text on web site
  • Edit linkin, facebook, Twitter, Google+ and more
  • One hour of advice and support
  • All passwords must be supplied in order for work to start


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