Raspberry Pi Kubernetes installation with Cilum CNI Network Plugin.
Postmodern ChatGPT about yum vs apt linux package managers
Views: 3952Introduction to the Dicussion about apt and yum I had the following chat after spending time getting a Rocky Linux to act as a Bind DNS Slave to a ubuntu 18 master. I did not discuss the hienous use of Master and Slave, instead I concentrated only on the differences between apt and yum …
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Fixing Authorization Failure in Ubuntu VM AWS CLI by Synchronizing the Clock
Views: 3969AWS EC2 CLI “AWS was not able to validate the provided access credentials” I am just trying to run my aws cli from a VM that I keep on a disk-on-key. I added the credentials several times, even creating new accounts. After a few hours of growing perturbance and desire for violence. Be …
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Just enough Ansible for Drupal | Lakshmi Narasimhan
Views: 700This looks like a good Ansible Playbook to install Drupal 7 or any version, both on nginx and Apache. https://lakshminp.com/just-enough-ansible-drupal Setup Back to our newly minted machine. Let’s ensure Ansible is able to communicate with our server. First, we need to create a configuration file for Ansible. This is called ansible.cfg and it’s in INI format. …
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How to Run ‘sudo’ Command Without Entering a Password in Linux
Views: 674I am using ansible and want to avoid password when installing stuff as root I usually use an AWS VC2 for development, but this time I decided to use VMware. When doing sudo Ubuntu and others ask for a password. I thought that EC2 does the passwordless elevation with keys, but found that it …
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Turn Monolith server of LAMP stack using php-fpm that also uses MEAN stack into microservices
Views: 3160 The project is to make microservices in place of a monolithic nodejs application stack. Apache Web Server, php-fpm, nodejs application server with mongodb, mysql backend. This got divided into 2 seperate projects, of LAMP and MEAN stack. It can be tweaked to have the php-fpm LAMP read/Write from the MongoDB Database and to have …
AWS Cloudformation pass parameters from pull down menu to UserData.
Views: 8695Declaring the Ref s and Mapping Findinmap in CloudFormation which can be used in userdata on your EC2 server (maybe others too) Almost 20 hours of learning and making mistakes I have been working on making a Multi Region Replicated MongoDB Replica Set with Oneclick installation via AWS Marketplace. I got the script working. …
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Stop Ubuntu from running Auto Upgrades at boot – #DEVOPS
Views: 4434Devops need to automatically install stuff on Ubuntu, however this clashed with the daily ubuntu auto update. The best way to stop autoupgrades is to prevent Ubuntu from download the updated package list Edit /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20periodic or whatever number it is Change the 1 for Update-Package-Lists to a 0 APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists “0”; APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade “1”; See: https://askubuntu.com/questions/9/how-do-i-enable-automatic-updates https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticSecurityUpdates https://debian-handbook.info/browse/stable/sect.regular-upgrades.html …
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Bootstrapping a Docker Swarm Mode Cluster – Semaphore
Views: 2495 Adding Cluster Nodes At this point, we have a cluster with a single manager node – a cluster, albeit meagre in substance. Before we augment the cluster with additional nodes, we need to attend to an AWS configuration detail. Docker Machine will have created an AWS security group (in the absence of our specifying the …
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Kubernetes: Running MongoDB on Kubernetes with StatefulSets
Views: 24862Running MongoDB replica set with one click is the goal. Perhaps this will help. At Google, everything runs in a container, including databases. You just need the right tools. Kubernetes 1.5 includes the new StatefulSet API object (in previous versions, StatefulSet was known as PetSet). With StatefulSets, Kubernetes makes it much easier to run …
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Run Gzip EASY in Windows 10 with Bash
Views: 746After the Windows 10 Anniversary upgrade you have access to Bash on Ubuntu on Windows , Yes that long a name for a BASH Bourne Again Shell . I am doing a project that involves installing php scripts in Windows, many of the these come as gzip file , like yourfile.gz Windows has no …
Rotate a Rectangle Image in Gimp
Views: 1423Rectangle image gets cut when rotating in Gimp I recently started to scan my images useing XSANE directly into the Gimp. When a simpleton like me needs flip the already scanned image I found that the image gets cut. In order to get the image rotated as …
Use ScrollToFixed: stick elements on your page
Views: 2645Stick Element where and how you like using ScrollToFixed For Mobile devices and small screens you need to make your site both nice and flexible! Use Jquery ScrollToFixed to easily stick whatever you want wherever you want. Once upon a time I had a huge CRT color screen that could show any resolution that I chose. However, …
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