How to install git-lfs and epel on Amazon Linux 2

Views: 10903Amazon Linux 2 with Git-lfs Amazon Linux offers some pre-installed extras, Like on the fly volume extension. Amazon Linux is great if you don’t have a really complicated stack. Sometimes the minimalism is too much. But installing some non-standard stuff is possible. For instance our simple project needs to work with large files stored …

Error establishing a database connection AWS EC2 WordPress MYSQL

Views: 18622Error establishing a database connection while using WordPress installed on AWS EC2 Using the Free tier EC2 server on Amazon with an active wordpress server requires a bit of work, namely that you need a script that will restart the mysqld service. However, it really help to add a swap file, not installed by default …

How to get a Shell Prompt from multiple servers and run commands on them ? Clush

Views: 1165 When you have  a bunch of servers that are configured the same and need to run the same task on them you will need a tool that does that. There are several Open Source tools. I was asked to write such a script but quickly fell upon several really popular scripts. The perfect …

How to Install and use Lsyncd on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7 / Amazon Linux

Views: 2798To install lsync on Amazon Linux fist add EPEL repositories: sudo yum install also see: Allow the Master Server to connect to the slave server without a password On the master server, log in through putty and run the following: ssh-keygen -t rsa You will get asked to enter the file in which …

Configure a DNS record set change-resource-record-sets — AWS CLI 1.15.35 Command Reference

Views: 5652To list your resources aws route53 list-hosted-zones aws route53 list-resource-record-sets –hosted-zone-id BLABLALA –query “ResourceRecordSets[?Name == ‘example.domain.’]” Use this output as the base for rebuilding the input Json file. You can write a Jason File to input into this aws route53 change-resource-record-sets –cli-input-json –cli-input-json (string) Performs service operation based on the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the …

How to clean up mysql installation on centos / Amazon Linux ? I want to make simpler servers available for my Charming Customers

Views: 694 Some time we faces issues with MySQL installation on Linux machine. If we simply remove MySQL packages and re-install doesn’t fixes the issue, in that case old settings may still exists on server which again affects new install. In that case first uninstall MySQL completely from system and erase all settings of old …

vTiger 7 Webforms broken – fields, form, 500 error in – Here’s the fix for  CRM

Views: 4988Vtiger WebForms don’t work, so here is a quick and needed fix. Vtiger version 5, 6 and 7 have issue creating webforms to capture leads from their website. They have added the ability to have the form work with other modules than just leads, but it still didn’t work. Install OpenSource Charming CRM. Everything …

MongoDB Community Edition on Centos and Redhat and Amazon Linux

Views: 1641The Mongodb Community Edition is a great NoSQL solution. Below you can find directions and links to install it from a repository as well as from a Preinstalled Ec2 Server Configure the package management system (yum). Create a /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-3.4.repo file so that you can install MongoDB directly, using yum. Changed in version 3.0: …

Recommended Network ACL Rules for Your #VPC – @Amazon Virtual Private Cloud – Be sure to use correct Region

Use NACL on AWS VPC as a firewall

Views: 752Easy way to block simple attacks from a single IP address or a a few on the same network. Until I automate the a block script, I did this manually, but first I was connected to the wrong region. There are really intelligent hacks, then there are medium intelegence hacks, and there are just …