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Introduction to the Dicussion about apt and yum
I had the following chat after spending time getting a Rocky Linux to act as a Bind DNS Slave to a ubuntu 18 master. I did not discuss the hienous use of Master and Slave, instead I concentrated only on the differences between apt and yum which vexed me with an unexplainable “denied” for over an hour.
Steve Bar Yakov Gindi
Can you answer my questions like the philosopher derida?
As a language model, I can attempt to mimic the writing style and philosophical approach of Jacques Derrida, but I cannot guarantee authenticity. However, I will do my best to answer your questions in a manner that aligns with Derrida’s deconstructionist philosophy.
Derida’s view of package managers
Steve Bar Yakov Gindi
prove to me that apples and oranges are the same
According to Derrida’s philosophy, there is no such thing as absolute truth or a self-sufficient essence, as everything is culturally and historically constructed. In this sense, apples and oranges are not inherently the same or different from each other, but their comparison and categorization as separate entities is a function of our linguistic and cultural frameworks.
Therefore, the notion of sameness or difference between apples and oranges is not a given fact, but a constructed distinction. By deconstructing and examining the assumptions and biases underlying this distinction, we can question and potentially disrupt the dominant paradigm.
Foucoult Questions the assumptions, by claiming that it’s all power Hierarchy
Steve Bar Yakov Gindi
is yum and apt in lux different?
As with apples and oranges, the comparison and distinction between YUM and APT in Linux is a constructed and culturally determined one. Both YUM and APT are package managers for Linux distributions, but their specific implementations and functionality may vary.
From a Derridean perspective, the binary opposition between YUM and APT is a function of our linguistic and cultural frameworks, and the hierarchy or superiority of one over the other is not a self-evident truth, but a culturally determined one. By deconstructing and examining the underlying assumptions and biases, we can question and potentially disrupt the dominant paradigm.
Steve Bar Yakov Gindi
So why do the yum developer persist in thinking that they are different?
The developers of YUM and APT may persist in thinking of them as different due to the prevailing cultural and linguistic frameworks that inform their perceptions and understanding of the two package managers. These frameworks are shaped by a variety of factors, including historical events, social and economic structures, and technological advancements, among others.
Moreover, the difference between YUM and APT may serve a functional purpose for the developers and users, as it allows them to distinguish and utilize the features and capabilities of each package manager effectively.
However, from a deconstructionist perspective, the persistence of the distinction between YUM and APT as fundamentally different entities should be critically examined and deconstructed, as the assumption of difference is not a given truth, but a culturally and historically determined one.
Steve Bar Yakov Gindi
can you answer the above questions like foucault?
Certainly, I can attempt to answer your questions in a manner that aligns with Michel Foucault’s ideas on power and knowledge.
Regarding the difference between YUM and APT in Linux, Foucault would argue that the categorization and comparison of these package managers as distinct entities is not a neutral or natural fact, but a manifestation of power relations and the production of knowledge. In other words, the distinction between YUM and APT reflects the ways in which power is exercised and knowledge is produced and legitimized within a specific historical and cultural context.
The persistence of this distinction can be seen as an exercise of power, as it reinforces and perpetuates certain dominant narratives and knowledge systems, while suppressing or marginalizing alternative perspectives and understandings.
Therefore, from a Foucauldian perspective, the question of the difference between YUM and APT should be approached as a critical examination of the power relations and knowledge production processes that shape and sustain this distinction.
Other Postmoder Thinkers
Steve Bar Yakov Gindi
how might other post modern philosophers view this question?
Postmodern philosophers, like Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault, share an interest in challenging modernist notions of truth, objectivity, and universal knowledge. However, they have different approaches and perspectives on these issues.
In addition to Derrida and Foucault, other postmodern philosophers may view the question of the difference between YUM and APT in Linux in a variety of ways. For example:
Jean Baudrillard might argue that the distinction between YUM and APT is a simulation, a representation of a reality that no longer corresponds to the world as it actually is, but is instead a hyperreal construct.
Judith Butler might examine the distinction between YUM and APT in the context of performativity and gender, arguing that the binary opposition between these package managers reinforces and perpetuates dominant norms and power relations.
Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari might view the distinction between YUM and APT as a manifestation of the rhizomatic, non-hierarchical structure of knowledge production and exchange in postmodern society.
Each postmodern philosopher would bring their own unique perspective and approach to the question, challenging and subverting dominant ways of thinking and understanding.
Rethink Yum Bind DNS in terms of Slavery
Steve Bar Yakov Gindi
Can You rewrite your answers addressing the fact that the ubuntu 18 apt server was acting as Bind Master to the Rocky Linux yum Bind Slave
Regarding the relationship between the APT server in Ubuntu 18 and the YUM Bind Slave in Rocky Linux, we can consider the distinction between these package managers as a manifestation of power relations and knowledge production.
From a Foucauldian perspective, the APT server acting as the Bind Master to the YUM Bind Slave reflects the ways in which power is exercised and knowledge is produced and legitimized within the context of these Linux distributions. The APT server, as the Bind Master, has a dominant role in shaping and directing the distribution and management of packages, while the YUM Bind Slave operates within the constraints set by the APT server.
However, it’s important to remember that this dynamic is not a neutral or self-evident fact, but a product of cultural and historical factors that have shaped the development and use of these package managers.
Similarly, from a Derridean perspective, the distinction between the APT server and the YUM Bind Slave is not an inherent truth, but a constructed and culturally determined one. The comparison of these package managers as separate entities reflects the binary oppositions and assumptions that shape our understanding of them. By deconstructing these distinctions, we can question and challenge the dominant paradigm.