Steve Bar Yakov Gindi Now Works for Octopus Computer Solutions

Views: 504I started working at Octopus Computer Solutions Steve Bar Yakov Gindi has a new job. I am the Devops and Openstack/Openshift Expert. For a few months I have been working for Octopus Computer Solutions in Tel Aviv. I have been working with customers and in house with Open Source Red Hat Subscriptions software. I …

Just enough Ansible for Drupal | Lakshmi Narasimhan

Views: 705This looks like a good Ansible Playbook to install Drupal 7 or any version, both on nginx and Apache.   Setup Back to our newly minted machine. Let’s ensure Ansible is able to communicate with our server. First, we need to create a configuration file for Ansible. This is called ansible.cfg and it’s in INI format. …

Ansible – How to Copy Directories and Files in Ansible Using Copy and Fetch Modules

Views: 12985Run Command on lots of servers via ansible copy directories and files With Ansible you turn most fields into variables. I need to copy a bunch of files to servers so here is how to do it. You can find more examples at the link below Openshift heavily uses ansible as part of its …

How to show excerpt instead of full post in Twenty Seventeen? – WordPress Information Center

Views: 7065The directions at the link below were great. I am seeking employment and the employers to see how they will benefit from my vast knowledge!!! The standard twentyseventeen WordPress theme only shows the entire article, even when you chose excerpts. The theme editor didnt work correctly. This is what I did: I made a …

How to get a Shell Prompt from multiple servers and run commands on them ? Clush

Views: 1134 When you have  a bunch of servers that are configured the same and need to run the same task on them you will need a tool that does that. There are several Open Source tools. I was asked to write such a script but quickly fell upon several really popular scripts. The perfect …

Turn Monolith server of LAMP stack using php-fpm that also uses MEAN stack into microservices

Views: 3127 The project is to make microservices in place of a monolithic nodejs application stack. Apache Web Server, php-fpm, nodejs application server with mongodb, mysql backend. This got divided into 2 seperate projects, of LAMP and MEAN stack. It can be tweaked to have the php-fpm LAMP read/Write from the MongoDB Database and to have …

Check out my new repository project. CharmingSteve/Centos-docker-tomcat-mongo-pythong

Views: 1070 The project puts 3 applications inside a single Docker Container. These are MongoDB, Tomcat and Python. The first 2 usually conflict with standard containers that usually run one of them in the “foreground” which only one can do. Official containers have just one. Centos incorporated SystemD into its official container, but it’s a …

Binary log error in mysql – put your configs under [mysqld] not [mysqld_safe]- Stack Overflow

Views: 841When I am trying to check binary log: SHOW BINARY LOGS; I get this error: ERROR 1381 (HY000): You are not using binary logging. How to resolve this? Can anybody help? Remove section [mysqld_safe] and replace with [mysqld]. It works for me. I had placed new config data under mysqld_safe, which is wrong. I …

Amazon route53 add geo based A record using python boto3 library | {Fetch,Decode,Execute & Share}

Views: 10155The following script looks just up my alley, as I am working on a python script to automate setting up servers around the world so that clients get served from a local server.   import boto3 client = boto3.client(‘route53’, aws_access_key_id=”AWS_KEY”, aws_secret_access_key=”AWS_SEC_KEY”) hostedZoneId = ‘HOSTED_ZONE_ID’ ip= ‘’ if aws_region == “US”:     #US is my default …

Where to start? Scaling PHP applications on AWS –  CI CD too

Views: 560This is an interesting read about AutoScaling in AWS using Autoscale and Load Balancer. It has some discussions about How to do this via Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (ci/cd) Here’s a rough approach to scaling any stateless app on AWS: Run the app in an Auto Scaling Group (ASG). An ASG makes it easy …