ec2-register – Client.InvalidManifest: Invalid block device mapping: Invalid device name ‘/dev/xvda’

Views: 2658ec2-register give: Client.InvalidManifest: Invalid block device mapping: Invalid device name ‘/dev/xvda’ The solution was found at We have pre-configured MongoDB with XFS as well as Passworded Security. To install go to AWS – Secure MongoDB 3.4 on XFS for superior performance I mostly followed instructions at: ec2-register charming-amis/charming-LAMP-swap/image.manifest.xml -n charming-LAMP-swap-ami –virtualization-type hvm  –region us-west-1 …

Use ScrollToFixed: stick elements on your page

Views: 2626Stick Element where and how you like using ScrollToFixed For Mobile devices and small screens you need to make your site both nice and flexible! Use Jquery ScrollToFixed to easily stick whatever you want wherever you want. Once upon a time I had a huge CRT color screen that could show  any resolution that I chose. However, …