Views: 2824ec2-register give: Client.InvalidManifest: Invalid block device mapping: Invalid device name ‘/dev/xvda’ The solution was found at We have pre-configured MongoDB with XFS as well as Passworded Security. To install go to AWS – Secure MongoDB 3.4 on XFS for superior performance I mostly followed instructions at: ec2-register charming-amis/charming-LAMP-swap/image.manifest.xml -n charming-LAMP-swap-ami –virtualization-type hvm –region us-west-1 …
Amazon APN Registered Consulting Partner
APN Registered Consulting Partner AWS. Charmingwebdesign services will now work on AWS Amazon Web Services incredible up time and data protection.
Use ScrollToFixed: stick elements on your page
Views: 2650Stick Element where and how you like using ScrollToFixed For Mobile devices and small screens you need to make your site both nice and flexible! Use Jquery ScrollToFixed to easily stick whatever you want wherever you want. Once upon a time I had a huge CRT color screen that could show any resolution that I chose. However, …
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Make Your Website Work the Way You Want It To !
Views: 3336Call 516-595-1713 to make your website work the way you want it to ! Everyone that I know has had trouble making their fancy, new website work as desired. The “look” is always as you order but the buttons don’t work. I will fix it! Recently Dealt With Complaints: G paid a ton to …
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Make Alias List for Sendmail
Views: 876On linux with sendmail you might want to give different email addresses without having to create a new account or you can also make small email list of a few people this way The first column is the alias which will be forwarded to the real account(s) in the second column, REMEMBER the colon. …
Join many other satisfied web design clients?
Views: 12578 I like satisfied clients. I want you to be my next satisfied customer Here are reasons why you should hire me: Fastest response time. Multiple ways to contact me. I can immediately fix any issues even if they are minor and even more so if they are major issue. Good, quality customer service …
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Have WordPress Pages Show Categories and Tags
Views: 1692WordPress Pages and Posts When I installed my very first WordPress Blog, I imported hundreds of old style html and shtml files. I did not yet know the difference between WordPress Pages and Posts. I rightly imported the old files as pages, because they all appear in alphabetical order in a widget on the …
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