ChatGPT defends google’s deteriorating search results for tech searches

Views: 1665 I had a discussion with ChatGpt where it denied that Google Search  results for tech searches are constantly deteriorating Write for me instructions to install the following commands on Amazon Linux 2 for both AMD64 and ARM64 write them with Google SEO in mind so that search engine will put these at the …

googleads utterly removed

Views: 3072googleads utterly removed I have utterly removed Google ads  from my site now, GoogleAds havent given me even a penny since 2014. Not even worth the energy to paste their useless code! from my site now. Read and get smarter. I simply turned off the WordPress plugin that was showing them.

Notes from setting up Disconnected Docker registry

Views: 4376 Clients concerned with security like financial institutions need to have their containers pulled from an internal Docker registry Setup disconnected Docker registry for Rhosp Pre-requisites: On registry run: $ yum update -y 3.2 Install the Offline registry and Tag the images yum install -y  docker-distribution docker yum-utils docker git wget git net-tools bind- …

I’ve had a mild curiosity about Docker’s silly container names

Views: 3642Here is the source file that is used to create docker’s silly container names. Source: moby/names-generator.go at master · moby/moby The left side has an adjective like “affectionate”, “agitated”, “amazing”, “angry”, “awesome”, “beautiful”, “blissful”, “bold”, “boring”, “brave”, “busy”, The right side show ignorance of special people as it is based on names from notable …

Bash Script that installs curl gets stuck asking to restart services

Views: 3860Automation is often a lot of work, even just installing curl Ubuntu is a social creature and does not like to be automated as much as you might expect. Very often your automation gets stuck because all of a sudden the folks at Canonical decided that they prefer human interaction. Often Ansible just hangs! …

How to password reset Windows Server 2016 AWS EC2 ?

Views: 1839Prepare your own windows 2016 AMI with a random password for the new copy If you would like to prepare an AMI for yourself with a new password or for the marketplace Run: C:\ProgramData\Amazon\EC2-Windows\Launch\Scripts\InitializeInstance.ps1 –Schedule This tells the rebooted or new instance to produce  new password that will be properly encrypted so you can …

How to set up LACP bonding interface on CentOS 7 |

Views: 3890I am installing multiple systems with Linux Bonding and LACP mode 4 which uses IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation Policy. In the mean time I am looking at 2 links, as we are using Red Hat 6.9 as well as the following: LACP bonding network interface setup A bonding network interface could be used …