Set Hmailserver to use Active Directory for User Login

Views: 9825

Using Active Directory LDAP might be more secure than using the standard Hmailserver user verification. This was really simple, as most things are with HmailServer.

I set the local Windows 2012 Server as the AD. Source: Install Active Directory on Windows Server 2012 show directions how to do this.

I did this for our pre-installed Charming Mail Servers on Windows.

Found at :

After setting up AD, I only:

  • the DNS needs to have an MX record. As a domain controller this needs to be set. The AD that I set up is stand alone, it wasn’t polling the Route 53 DNS. I know that I can set it to poll regular DNS in the universe, but I opted to just add the mx record in the domain controller. I also changed the domain A record to use the elastic  IP address instead of the internal one.
  • added the user to Active Directory,
  • Set Password not to expire
    • You can leave the standard “change password at next login” setting which requires login via RDP by the user
  • In HmailServer I Added the user with the same username (though it looks like these can be different)
  • clicked the Acitive Directory Tab
  • checked the box to use Active Directory
  • filled in the AD Domain Name
  • Filled in the user name


Changing the password requires logging in on Windows. For this demo I set it to never expire.

No password

I was able to login to Roundcube WebMail

I was also able to use Outlook 2016 to connect

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