Views: 4719 This is my advice for using SES along side your new Charming Full email server. HmailServer does not currently have a catchall relay smtp function like Postfix or Sendmail in Linux. You can set up Roundcube to send ALL messages via SES with the following settings. Edit C:\inetpub\wwwroot\webmail\config\ edit the line $config[‘smtp_server’] to the following. …
Setup Hmailserver with ssl works with Outlook 2016 but not with Roundcube
Views: 2455How to generate custom self-signed SSL certificates and apply it to Dovecot – Plesk Help Center, producing the certs for HmailServer worked using these directions for OpenSSl for windows. cd into install dir c:\openssl-win32\bin use .\ before each command. I followed Generate root private key: # openssl genrsa -out rootCA.key 2048 Generate …
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Set Hmailserver to use Active Directory for User Login
Views: 9813Using Active Directory LDAP might be more secure than using the standard Hmailserver user verification. This was really simple, as most things are with HmailServer. I set the local Windows 2012 Server as the AD. Source: Install Active Directory on Windows Server 2012 show directions how to do this. I did this for our pre-installed …
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HOW TO: Install Spamassassin For Windows and SPAMD service – hMailServer forum
Views: 8682 HOW TO: Install Spamassassin For Windows and SPAMD service Quote Post by jimimaseye » 2015-04-27 11:13 This tutorial is a re-publish of a tutorial already on this forum, but simplified for clarity). It’s aim is to install Spamassassin and its service for running in connection with the default integration with Hmailserver. It is a simple procedure that …
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Data #Privacy Concerns with @Gmail – Hacker Noon. It’s time for your own your #Corporate #Email Server
Views: 751If you are a drop concerned about privacy take your email out of the Gmail Google universe Get your own Email Server instead of having all of your email secrets mined for profit and given away to authorities that you haven’t authorized. When you use Gmail as well as other google products your emails …
RoundCube with Mail Server on Windows – HmailServer Superior to GSuite, Office 365 or Yahoo Mail
Views: 4913RoundCube with Mail Server on Windows is a simple solution for your organization’s Email needs Switch from Gsuite to Charming Full Email Server HmailServer with WebMail Why would you want to switch from Gsuite, Yahoo mail, Office 365, etc. to your own cloud host using a Pre-configured HmailServer with Roundcube? Gsuite is difficult to …
How to implement inbound email on Amazon AWS SES? – Stack Overflow
Views: 4050I would love to do this serverless, But still here is a way to use AWS S3 to receive email on behalf of your domain. One could setup the domain in SES and receive for any number of users, but still an EC2 Server would be required. A possible advantage is that Spammers can’t …
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HmailServer with SES
Views: 5031HmailServer is mostly for receiving email to @yourdomain . SES is for sending email. Over the last year or so SES added the ability to receive emails but this is very complicated and confusing which is why I install Hmailserver to receive the email.Beware: In the SES panel there are DNS settings that AWS …
Recommended Network ACL Rules for Your #VPC – @Amazon Virtual Private Cloud – Be sure to use correct Region
Views: 748Easy way to block simple attacks from a single IP address or a a few on the same network. Until I automate the a block script, I did this manually, but first I was connected to the wrong region. There are really intelligent hacks, then there are medium intelegence hacks, and there are just …