Managing port level security in OpenStack 

Views: 1045I am investigating why dpdk doesn’t work inside an instance.   The OpenStack platform, specifically Neutron (the networking component), uses the concepts of “ports” in order to connect the various cloud instances to different networks and the corresponding virtual networking devices like Neutron routers, firewalls etc. The default security on these ports is quite restrictive (and …

Running the AWS CLI and Python on Windows 10 in a Linux Bash shell – 4sysops

Views: 2668Enable the Windows Subsystem for Linux ^ Before we start anything and install the Linux distribution package for WSL, make sure you enable the “Windows Subsystem for Linux” optional feature on your machine. Running the following command from your PowerShell console will enable this feature. Open PowerShell as an administrator and run: 1 Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online …

Doctors Are Losing #Faith in IBM #Watson’s #AI. But does predict breakfast choice.

Views: 1167Have you been feeling like Ai apps respond like 5 year olds? Medicine is based on statistics not theory. after eight years of waiting with little in the way of results, several doctors told IEEE Spectrum that they’re getting fed up — bad news for IBM, but also a potential inflection point for the …

6 Effective Tips for Blocking Email Spam with Postfix SMTP Server

Views: 7885Not so charming, mega spam! Tip #6: Using Public Anti-Spam Blacklists There are spam emails that are sent from servers that has a valid hostname, valid PTR record and can pass through grey listing. In this case, you can use blacklisting to reject spam. There are many public anti-spam blacklists online. You can use …

Disconnected Registry for Red Hat Openstack and Openshift

Views: 10214Setup disconnected Docker registry for Rhosp Setup disconnected Docker registry for Rhosp 13 Pre-requisites:1.    Server for registry that has 2 nics to connect to internet and disconnected servers2.    Director configured with latest minor release3.    Current Redhat subscription 4.    Hundreds of GB free, preferably a TB. It is wise to have /var as a separate mounted …

CentOS 7 : Dnsmasq : Install : Server World

Views: 2598 Install Dnsmasq which is the lightweight DNS forwarder and DHCP Server Software. [1] Install Dnsmasq. [root@dlp ~]# yum -y install dnsmasq [2] Configure Dnsmasq. [root@dlp ~]# vi /etc/dnsmasq.conf # line 19: uncomment (never forward plain names) domain-needed # line 21: uncomment (never forward addresses in the non-routed address spaces) bogus-priv # line 41: uncomment (query …

Battle of the Switches – Open Virtual Switch vs. Linux Bridge

Views: 571Open Virtual Switch was initially conceived in a university environment, with a flow-based model providing the development primitive, and a central controller determining what those flows actually looked like. The use of OVS as a virtual switch in the IaaS market (and to be specific, in the OpenStack IaaS market) came about because the …

How to Simplify Container Image Management in Kubernetes with OpenShift Image Streams – Red Hat OpenShift Blog

Views: 2946 Understanding and confuting Image Streams is central for getting Openshift to work as you need it to work, with images and code that you desire. Over the course of the past few weeks, I have been gathering feedback around Image Streams. This feature can cause a lot of misunderstanding and confusion, even for …

בלוגים – Test whether your Openshift is installed and working

Views: 481Here are some common concepts  that need to be running on your systems, in order to be relavent: Openshift microservices docker kubernetes pods   Work with Docker as microservices saves compute recources, However, it requires re-thinking how development is done. Microservices also enable Continuous Integration of changes to large applications. Red Hat OpenShift is an …