Views: 2544
Get Google contacts to sync with your Vtiger
Install OpenSource Charming CRM. Everything will work much more smoothly than with Vtiger:
Here is a bit of directions to get Google contacts to sync with your Vtiger.
You need to create an API for Contacts and/or Calendar and give it your URL.
After all this your contacts will sync.
These instructions also work for Charming CRM in the AWS Marketplace.
danielleal June 2015 Posts: 1 Hi guys, – Open Google Console. – Active the calendar API. – Create a ID – Use this URL for redirect: !! replace … !! – Copy the Client ID and the Secret Key – Locate “modules/Google/connectors/config.php”. – Paste the Client ID and the Secret. – Synchronize.
Class Google_Config_Connector {
static $clientId = ”;
static $clientSecret = ”;
Source: Google services connectivity issue – Vtiger-Discussions
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