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Here is the source file that is used to create docker’s silly container names.
Source: moby/names-generator.go at master · moby/moby
The left side has an adjective like “affectionate”,
The right side show ignorance of special people as it is based on names from notable scientists and hackers. I thought that beaver was a creature!
// Hugh Beaver, British engineer, founder of the Guinness Book of World Records
“beaver”,// Alexander Graham Bell – an eminent Scottish-born scientist, inventor, engineer and innovator who is credited with inventing the first practical telephone –
“bell”,// Karl Friedrich Benz – a German automobile engineer. Inventor of the first practical motorcar.
“benz”,// Homi J Bhabha – was an Indian nuclear physicist, founding director, and professor of physics at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. Colloquially known as “father of Indian nuclear programme”-
“bhabha”,Each name comes with a reminder as to who the genius was.
Source: moby/names-generator.go at master · moby/moby