Views: 1412
See more Records in the List View of Charming CRM
Here is some advice in how to use Charming CRM, which is a powerful opensource CRM package that uses a LAMP server. It is based a fork of Vtiger 7 with several of the bugs fixed.
You can install it at AWS Marketplace
In Charming CRM you can modify the number of records to show in the list view. This feature helps you to adjust the number of records to be shown on a single page according to your requirements. You can increase or decrease the number of records shown on the list view. How to Increase The Number of Records Shown in The List View You can see how many records are currently shown on a single page
See the link below for exact directions
Source: VTiger Experts | Increase the Number of Records Shown on the List View In VTiger 7 – VTiger Experts