Hey guys, I need some Mitzvah crowd Funding for Costa Rica Service Summit

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Hey guys, I need some Mitzvah crowd Funding. AS you may know that in addition to being Sofer Stam, making Tefillin, megilot, etc. that I am bootstrapping a cloud startup. I make Server images on AWS and sell these by the hour in the AWS Marketplace. http://charming.co.il/aws-marketplace
We are making a few hundred dollars a month already, but not enough to cover my own salary.
A couple of months ago I went a Food Tech meetup run by Made in Jerusalem. I met the Economic Liason from Costa Rica. She sent me an invitation to the Costa Rica Service Summit which includes TONS of honest leads that need solutions that I provide. All of my solutions have Spanish interface, so that isn’t an issue. The Summit includes free hotel, etc. BUT I DO NOT HAVE THE THOUSAND $1000 required for the ticket to fly to Costa Rica.
The summit is in 2 weeks on April 25. So dealing with funding from bureaucracies isn’t happening, especially since we are only registered as an Esek Patur.
I am tapped out on loans, So I need social goodwill funding or for several people to order really nice Tefillin or Megilat Esther , to be made after I return.

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