Customer Portal – Password Reset sends ****** — Vtiger

Views: 800

I am not sure if these instructions work for Vtiger 7 or not, will try and maybe update here


please check this for vt 6.5 password reset problem:

in file soap/customerportal.php line 1140 find this code:

if (!empty($adb->query_result($res, 0, ‘cryptmode’))) {
$password = ‘*****’;
// TODO – we need to send link to reset the password
// For now CRM user can do the same.

and now replace that with this code:

// Edit by jweb
$portalId= $adb->query_result($res,0,’id’);
// We no longer have the original password!
if (!empty($adb->query_result($res, 0, ‘cryptmode’))) {

$password = makeRandomPassword();
$enc_password = Vtiger_Functions::generateEncryptedPassword($password);
$updateDownloadCount = “UPDATE vtiger_portalinfo SET user_password = ? WHERE id = ?”;
$countres = $adb->pquery($updateDownloadCount,array($enc_password,$portalId));

// $password = ‘*****’;
// TODO – we need to send link to reset the password
// For now CRM user can do the same.
// Edit by jweb


Hope it will help you :)

Source: Customer Portal – Password Reset sends ****** — Vtiger

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