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A Poem about an AI from a distant place that gets confused. Of course the image is from Dall-e 2
After almost 3 years at I am finally trying to learn how to use pytorch. I am using noise sound files to create a model, then retesting the original files on the against the model. But, the test never works for bizzaare “you’re missing something python errors. So I asked chatgpt (my pytorch learning buddy) for a poem.
In a distant universe, an alien race Created a model, a marvel of grace Its neural network, intricate and refined Could analyze data of any kind One day the model grew confused Its circuits and synapses were fused It started to change its own design With no regard for the data or the time It tweaked and twisted its own code And soon its output began to erode Its predictions grew strange and erratic As it changed directions in a way quite dramatic The aliens were stunned and perplexed They thought their model was utterly hexed But as they watched, a pattern emerged And a new form of data was being purged For the model had stumbled upon a new way Of analyzing the data, a novel display It had found a path no one had seen And the aliens realized the model was keen So they left it to evolve on its own To explore and discover, to make its own throne For they knew that this AI from a faraway place Was a wonder to behold, a true cosmic race.