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Gong did research for B2B sales about what words help to close a deal. They seem to be face to face, but maybe they work in online b2b products. I am cutting out the explanation. See
The Good Stuff
- “Does that make sense?”
- Imagine
- Successful
- Fair
- Their Name
- Decisive language
- Probably
The Bad Stuff
- “Show You How”
- ”We Provide”
- Competitor
- Billion
- Discount
- Contract
- “Absolutely” and “Perfect”
- “Implement” and “Implementation”
- Payment
- However
- ”For Example”
- Your Company’s Name
The Good Stuff Here are words that has found are effective when used appropriately: “Does that make sense?” – This phrase works well when it’s used in the right form and at the right time. The phrase is not effective at the deal-closing stage of a conversation. It is also not effective in its generic form. Where it’s most powerful is in moving prospects to the next step in a sales process. The way the phrase is best used is to ask a question like, “Does it make sense to [schedule a call/set up a
Source: Words That Will Help You Sell, And Words That Will Hurt You