Run Open Source Openshift OKD on Windows 10 Home with Oracle Virtual Box

Views: 4793Develop On Openshift on your Windows 10 Laptop As part of our Work we install and configure Openshift. We offer full solutions from installation through the Devops pipeline. I have found that using minishift with VirtualBox to be the easiest Proof of Concept as well as the ability to develop applications and Infrastructure as …

@MongoDB: Setting up @Windows 2016 Server, Soon Linux too

Views: 1229Below is what I did for Windows installation with Password Security. You can easily install MongoDB on Windows Server 2016 on AWS Marketplace:   Install the MSI that you download from official mongodb site. After that it still needs some work Run in CMD window not powershell.. “C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\bin\mongod.exe” –config “C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\mongod.cfg” –install …