Views: 3773Automating Aws with Python – boto3 I am starting to use Python instead of Bash and OpenShell. The first plan is to make a scripted Geo Web Server. The customers will launch servers in as many regions as they like. The web users will receive pages from the local server, the content can be …
Configure a DNS record set change-resource-record-sets — AWS CLI 1.15.35 Command Reference
Views: 5646To list your resources aws route53 list-hosted-zones aws route53 list-resource-record-sets –hosted-zone-id BLABLALA –query “ResourceRecordSets[?Name == ‘example.domain.’]” Use this output as the base for rebuilding the input Json file. You can write a Jason File to input into this aws route53 change-resource-record-sets –cli-input-json –cli-input-json (string) Performs service operation based on the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the …
Receiving Email with Amazon SES – Amazon Simple Email Service
Views: 1496The next project is to setup servers that receive email via Amazon SES. The following links are a start. Also see: How to implement inbound email on Amazon AWS SES? – Stack Overflow Source: Receiving Email with Amazon SES – Amazon Simple Email Service Also see: The following link looks like …
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Setup MX Record in Route 53 with a domain that you registered with AWS
Views: 23059Register a domain with Route 53 Many people get stuck setting up an EC2 Instance as a mail server. Did you send a test message to your new instance and never receive the email ? To set up a mail server you first need the MX record to be properly setup in Route 53 …
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