Run Open Source Openshift OKD on Windows 10 Home with Oracle Virtual Box

Views: 4793Develop On Openshift on your Windows 10 Laptop As part of our Work we install and configure Openshift. We offer full solutions from installation through the Devops pipeline. I have found that using minishift with VirtualBox to be the easiest Proof of Concept as well as the ability to develop applications and Infrastructure as …

Steve Bar Yakov Gindi Now Works for Octopus Computer Solutions

Views: 504I started working at Octopus Computer Solutions Steve Bar Yakov Gindi has a new job. I am the Devops and Openstack/Openshift Expert. For a few months I have been working for Octopus Computer Solutions in Tel Aviv. I have been working with customers and in house with Open Source Red Hat Subscriptions software. I …

Ansible – How to Copy Directories and Files in Ansible Using Copy and Fetch Modules

Views: 12985Run Command on lots of servers via ansible copy directories and files With Ansible you turn most fields into variables. I need to copy a bunch of files to servers so here is how to do it. You can find more examples at the link below Openshift heavily uses ansible as part of its …