This sounds really great and affordable. AquaSec Security Has On-Demand Scanner for Container Images on AWSMarketplace

Views: 1061For 29 cents you can find nasty stuff on your Images. Using the marketplace scanner, everything from Trojans to forgotten keys, and Vulnerabilities  were found. I can’t wait to try this. I don’t know if I know the folks from this biz, but pray for their success. Aqua’s On Demand Vulnerability Scanner – How it …

Bootstrapping a Docker Swarm Mode Cluster – Semaphore

Views: 2505 Adding Cluster Nodes At this point, we have a cluster with a single manager node – a cluster, albeit meagre in substance. Before we augment the cluster with additional nodes, we need to attend to an AWS configuration detail. Docker Machine will have created an AWS security group (in the absence of our specifying the …

Kubernetes: Running MongoDB on Kubernetes with StatefulSets

Views: 24868Running MongoDB replica set with one click is the goal. Perhaps this will help. At Google, everything runs in a container, including databases. You just need the right tools. Kubernetes 1.5 includes the new StatefulSet API object (in previous versions, StatefulSet was known as PetSet). With StatefulSets, Kubernetes makes it much easier to run …