Amazon route53 add geo based A record using python boto3 library | {Fetch,Decode,Execute & Share}

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The following script looks just up my alley, as I am working on a python script to automate setting up servers around the world so that clients get served from a local server.


import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53', aws_access_key_id="AWS_KEY", aws_secret_access_key="AWS_SEC_KEY")
hostedZoneId = 'HOSTED_ZONE_ID'
ip= ''
if aws_region == "US":
    #US is my default region. So cont_code is blank
    cont_code = {}
elif aws_region == "EU":
    cont_code = {'ContinentCode':'EU'}
elif aws_region == "AP":
    cont_code = {'ContinentCode':'AS'}
response = client.change_resource_record_sets(
    HostedZoneId = hostedZoneId,
        'Comment': 'comment',
        'Changes': [
                'Action': 'CREATE',
                'ResourceRecordSet': {
                    'Name': domain,
                    'Type': 'A',
                    'SetIdentifier': 'my_a_record',
                    'GeoLocation': cont_code,
                    'TTL': 60,
                    'ResourceRecords': [
                            'Value': ip
print("DNS record status %s "  % response['ChangeInfo']['Status'])
print("DNS record response code %s " % response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'])


Source: Amazon route53 add geo based A record using python boto3 library | {Fetch,Decode,Execute & Share}

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