Vengeful Centos 8 Has Been Cancelled – boot partition full, zfs removed itself, kvm changed the rules, firewall dead

Views: 4330Centos Project Cancelled As Well As Kubernetes Project is Removing Docker Support Recent news has informed that Devops and System administrators will be working extra for the next few months. In the build up to becoming defunct Centos is becoming as unstable as leading edge beta distros Our server was becoming a bit sluggish …

Ansible – How to Copy Directories and Files in Ansible Using Copy and Fetch Modules

Views: 13029Run Command on lots of servers via ansible copy directories and files With Ansible you turn most fields into variables. I need to copy a bunch of files to servers so here is how to do it. You can find more examples at the link below Openshift heavily uses ansible as part of its …

How to Install and use Lsyncd on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7 / Amazon Linux

Views: 2784To install lsync on Amazon Linux fist add EPEL repositories: sudo yum install also see: Allow the Master Server to connect to the slave server without a password On the master server, log in through putty and run the following: ssh-keygen -t rsa You will get asked to enter the file in which …

MongoDB Community Edition on Centos and Redhat and Amazon Linux

Views: 1524The Mongodb Community Edition is a great NoSQL solution. Below you can find directions and links to install it from a repository as well as from a Preinstalled Ec2 Server Configure the package management system (yum). Create a /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-3.4.repo file so that you can install MongoDB directly, using yum. Changed in version 3.0: …